KSDT’s Forensic, Litigation and Valuation Services (“FLVS”) Group provides valuation services, forensic accounting, economic damages calculations, and expert testimony to address a variety of client needs.

We help clients determine the value of their businesses, business ownership interests, securities, and intangible assets for varied purposes including litigation, gift and estate planning, market transactions, and tax and financial reporting.
FLVS clients benefit from several distinctive KSDT approaches. First, we bring to bear the full capabilities of a national accounting firm, coupled with flexibility on pricing and service that many national firms cannot match. Second, all clients receive the hands-on involvement of KSDT partners and senior practitioners, regardless of the scope of their engagement. Third, we develop sound analyses and opinions for our clients that are supported by the facts, circumstances, and assumptions—providing credible opinions and testimony that are effectively communicated to the triers of facts.